It’s ok not to be ok

I’ve felt enormous pressure since Sam died to be better, to be ‘ok’. People in general don’t know how to deal with you if you’re not. The silences become longer, the conversations shorter and then non existent, the invitations to social gatherings start disappearing. people avoid catching your gaze, not wanting to linger too much lest you start a conversation and god forbid talk about your dead child. You start to feel transparent, like you’re becoming more and more invisible. Like you’re being consumed by the nothing. People don’t like what they don’t understand or are afraid of and there’s a huge amount of misunderstanding surrounding death by suicide. They died of an illness even more fatal than cancer but with a stigma that means those left behind are not allowed to vocalise their grief. It is the biggest killer of men under 45 yet they recieve some of the least help. So little funding goes into tackling this issue and we should be utterly ashamed of that.

Author: marbleslostsendhelp


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